Dangerous substances

Hazardous substances are substances that can pose a hazard to your safety, your health and the environment. The University Medical Centers frequently work with hazardous substances. Consider, for example, cleaning and disinfecting products, chemicals in the laboratory, glue in the technical department, certain medication in healthcare and cryogenic (cold) gases in the X-ray department. 

Hazardous substances are not only about a safe working method, but also about purchasing, transport, registration, storage and waste. On this website you will find basic knowledge about what you can do yourself to work safely and healthily with hazardous substances. And how your occupational health and safety advisor, the umcs and the government support you in this. The information on this website is general, based on local laws and regulations, each umc makes its own additional policy. 

Wat kun je zelf doen: basiskennis

Wat kun je zelf doen: veiligheidsinformatiebladen, gevarenpictogrammen, etiketten, H- en P-zinnen

Wat kun je zelf doen: aanschaf

Wat kun je zelf doen: transport

Wat kun je zelf doen: registratie

Wat kun je zelf doen: opslag

Wat kun je zelf doen: veilige werkwijze

Wat kun je zelf doen: afval

Wat kun je zelf doen: CMR, ZZS, gassen, cryogene stoffen, schoonmaak- en desinfectiemiddelen

Wat doet jouw umc

Wat doet de overheid