Supporting each other

Give recognition

It is important to acknowledge what someone has experienced. Regardless of whether it is a more or less serious event, your colleague suffers from it. Offer social support: this manifests itself in mutual empathy, involvement, appreciation and recognition. Give your colleague the opportunity and space to tell the story on their own. As long or as often as there is a need for it.

Only provide correct information

It is important that you only tell what actually happened. Incorrect stories can cause annoyance to those involved.

Offer practical help if necessary

Offering help doesn't have to be just about listening. Often, those affected also need distraction or practical support in the work environment. Discuss the possibilities together. It helps if normal things at home and at work are quickly restored.

This animated video from Erasmus MC shows what a major event can do to someone and that it is good to talk about it with colleagues. If you want to know more about how you can provide peer support in your umc, ask your occupational health and safety advisor.

Contribute to a caring work environment

A caring working environment reduces the chance that a major event will lead to stress-related complaints. Colleagues often know a lot about each other. They know when someone is feeling good or not so good. Approach your colleague if you see that things are not going so well, or notice that he or she is suffering more than usual from a stressful incident. Sometimes people don't notice anything themselves and they keep working until they really can’t go on anymore. You can also discuss with your manager or with the team how you can provide social support in the team together. Or make use of peer support. Perhaps a small, temporary adjustment in the work can provide relief for your colleague. In a caring work environment, guarding one's own boundaries is important to maintain one's own resilience and health.