Preventing or limiting workload

Do it yourself

  • Unfortunately, there are no general solutions to reduce workload. Every employee reacts differently to work pressure. In a fully-fledged employment relationship, it is important that you, as an employee, seek the balance between the amount of work and the pressure on the one hand, and job satisfaction and your own resilience on the other. That starts with identifying and discussing and looking at which factors play a role. Then you look for solutions. Of course, the workload must be considered, but it is also important to work on resilience and factors that can promote job satisfaction. This often requires the support of colleagues, managers and an HR professional, and sometimes of a coach or a psychological support worker.

    There are various options for managing workload and increasing job satisfaction. Healthy living and sufficient exercise often help. Mindfulness and relaxation exercises also help to increase resilience. Which approach works is tailor-made. Your umc has numerous training courses and interventions that help to reduce work pressure. For example: work-life balance, assertiveness, dealing with stress, grip on work, increasing personal effectiveness, intervision meetings and effective use of time. Check the intranet or ask your HR department.


  • Take plenty of breaks, even if it seems there's no time for them.
  • Make sure you plan the work well.
  • Dare to say 'no'. Not every job always has to be done (immediately). Ask if there is really no other way and discuss alternatives.
  • Be aware of the first signs of stress.
  • Limit overtime as much as possible; In the case of constant overtime, there is a structural problem, raise this with your manager.
  • Let work pressure be a regular point of discussion during your annual appraisal.
  • Ask for help. Colleagues and managers will not always immediately see that the workload is high.
  • Get plenty of exercise, relaxation and sleep.
  • Also look at sources outside of work that can influence the workload experienced.